Evidently Apostate
JoinedTopics Started by Evidently Apostate
My son was murdered today
by truman ini have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
Choices you have to make after you learn the "truth"
by stuckinamovement inchoices.
by my nature i am not a negative person.
should i live my life as a hypocritical, tortured pretender, or stand up for what is right and lose my reputation, friends and family?
i am finding it hard to pray with my children
by Evidently Apostate ini have been fading for 6 months but my wife is still in and always asks me to pray at dinner and when i put the little ones to bed but i am finding prayer to be more of a pretense than heartfelt.
i have to pray for the sun or the earth but why thank him for the food, hell thank me for going to work everyday .who put us in the house we live in, god?
its really hard for me to pray for anything anymore as i have an anger toward him and dont want anything to do with a future (mythical)paradise under his control, so why ask for it?.
Did you DF yourself on purpose?
by Evidently Apostate inlately i have been thinking about saying something apostate to my elder father in law.
he is an uber witness and actually believed that god interveined and saved him when he had a heart attack and kept him alive, until he told me that and i asked him why jehovah allowed jws in nazi concentration camps to suffer horribly and die but he loved an alcoholic more than them.. i havent been to a kh in 6 months or in service in years.
i grew a beard and basicallyhe avoids talking to me.
2/15 WT " Preserve the Positive Spirit of Congregations" - Translation :Submit
by flipper inonce again, this was a real " jewel " of a study article by the wt society full of contradictions , controlling expressions , and manipulative wording in order to take away jehovah's witnesses free will and freedom of mind .. initially the wt society makes it appear that they are " concerned " about witnesses actually keeping the " peace " between themselves.
notice this quote from pg.
20, paragraph 7, " true friends keep personal matters confidential.
"Disobedience is very costly"
by TOTH inwow, i had some words with my father in law.
over the years i have always had such a profound respect for him because he used to speak from the heart and used the bible to express his view, but lately he has become more and more "wt-ish" with his comments.
my wife has been suffering from severe pain for years due to injuries suffered at the hands of her 1st husband.
losing my religion
by Evidently Apostate inhave you kept your faith in god?
i know this has been discussed but i am suprised at my change in beliefs.
imo pretty much all of the hebrew scriptures are about an angry god who reminds me of an abusive father.
the cult is slowly taking my family apart
by Evidently Apostate inits been 3 years since i made my decision to fade and i am starting to think our marriage might not survive.
my wife is under pressure from her parents to push away from me.
the anniversay card they gave her(not me) was nothing more than jw propaganda, parts were actually highlighted.
Was it the doctrine or the control that woke you up?
by Evidently Apostate ineven though i knew some of the doctrines were so convoluted they couldnt be genuine, every prophecy mentioned in the bible was simplistic and direct i still felt it was the best place to raise a family.
i felt like i could ignore the hypocrisy, manipulative and fake personalities and still have true friends and unbreakable family bonds.
even though my concience would bother me i would always try to forgive.
Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli inon this forum, i have carefully read most of the experiences of those who left the jw religion, i have even read experiences that have dated back to 2001, i have read the different circumstances surrounding their exits and what ensued upon leaving.
for the majority, i observed they are better remainning in the religion than leaving.
what benefit is there to strain family relationship because you want to be free?, please tell me, of what value is that freedom?,.